Since 1976
Real Estate Experts
Trusted by generations
Home Selling experts!
We've been selling Helena area homes since 1976. We've sold amazing brick victorians, turn of the century bungalows, mid-centuries and mountain modern masterpieces. With all of that said, we've also helped our clients sell modest mobiles and starter homes; expansive ranches and show-stopping historical mansions. We've been there and done all of that. Generations of Helenans have trusted us to provide expert guidance and solid marketing of the place they call home.
sell with us
Dedicated to an approach that keeps you at the center.
Let's dig into selling your home.
Sure, we would love to list your home for sale. But don't we owe it to each other to have the best possible chance for success in that endeavor? Let's dig down a little deeper and not talk about the price just yet. It's our commitment to relationships that makes sure to keep you at the center of your home sale. Right where you belong.
Let's Plan the Process
Other Companies start by determining your home's value. We start by valuing our relationship with you. Your sale needs a process that's specifically created around you as well as your home.
Analyze the Value
What value does a "Free Market Analysis" hold? We've wondered for years if anything of value comes from it. Instead, our approach takes into account market conditions, your desired timelines and the uniqueness of your home.
Preparation is the key
We're dedicated to assisting with your home sale preparations. Our personalized recommendations and connections to trusted local vendors will help you achieve a turnkey home, attracting the best offers.
Photograph and Present
We ensure professional photography for your home, making it accessible and appealing on various devices like PCs, iPads, and smartphones, meeting the preferences of potential buyers.
Listing and Promotion
We ensure professional photography for your home, making it accessible and appealing on various devices like PCs, iPads, and smartphones, meeting the preferences of potential buyers.
You'll likely need advice
We're here to help you succeed with strategies and insights from our extensive experience. Together, we can find solutions and opportunities even in challenging situations. Your goals are achievable, and we're committed to assisting you.
No Pressure. We promise.
Your satisfaction is a priority. You can cancel your listing contract with us at any time, and we assure you there will be no pressure from our side. Your comfort matters to us.
Does this sound about right?
If you value a personalized and considerate real estate experience, we're a good match. Let's connect and work together to achieve your goals.
*Only applies if your home is NOT under contract of sale. We can't unwind a contract you've
already entered to sell your home and any encouragement to do so would be a violation of our
Code of Ethics and potentially put you at risk of legal action. None of us would want that.
Navigating Multiple Offers – with Success!
In a market with limited inventory, many agents use "Coming Soon" marketing. This marketing is likely used ineffectively and may even operate in a manner that actually hurts their clients. If you want the highest sales price for your home, the worst thing you can do as a Seller is to allow early showings. The problem with an early offer is that you don't know if other buyers could be interested, so you might miss out on competing offers. Be wary of any impulse or recommendation to sell your property "off-market." Don't fall for the "We're the Big Office..." line. Why limit yourself to a single showing or even showings from just one firm? Many agents who promote early showings seek to promote their own interest or those of their firm and co-workers. Early showings can lead to less desirable offers. Your home sale will benefit most from having many people see the home. Look to maximize the number of showings! By concentrating demand for showings utilizing a system that enhances viewings, both online and in person, to the first few days of marketing, we're able to engage numerous interested buyers. The end result? The possibility of multiple offers and potential for the best offer possible for you, the Seller. It's the approach that allows the marketplace to work!

Handling Multiple Offers
When we have received multiple offers or sense that we're likely to receive multiple offers, we will work together to set a deadline for each buyer to submit their highest and best offer. We will follow these best practices:
1. Set a deadline that allows a full weekend of showings.
This ensures that all motivated buyers have had a chance to view the property. We generally recommend reviewing offers on Monday morning.
2. Notify parties of multiple offers only when that information is requested.
Buyers will often choose not to view homes that already have offers. We want as many buyers as possible to view your property. Set an environment that encourages buyers to take a look!
3. Keep all specific details of any offer strictly confidential.
If you allow buyers to bid against each other by small increments, you run a high risk that the winning buyer will terminate after they have "calmed down". By offering blindly, the buyers have a much higher likelihood of following through with their contract.
4. Offer non-winning buyers the opportunity to submit a backup contract
which not only allows you to have a backup buyer in place, it may increase your leverage with the winning buyer during any negotiation for inspection repairs.
Getting to Closing
Your home sale or purchase is probably the most complicated financial transaction you will ever participate in. Hundreds of thousands of dollars change hands, everyone from the other agent to local government officials to bank and mortgage employees are involved. Inspections, appraisals, repairs and so many other points provide a lengthy list of challenges potentially standing between you and the closing table. Not to mention local, state, and federal laws have to be satisfied. It’s a lot of work to do in a limited time window, and while each person involved has mastery over their piece along the way, sometimes you need someone to manage the overall process.
We manage this process by employing a Transaction Management platform to handle the many tasks that have to happen for you to make it to closing. While this platform and the person responsible for it operates behind the scenes, the goal is to make sure that things come together as anticipated. A transaction coordinator’s job is mainly responsive; they work through a series of checklists and systems to ensure everyone makes it the closing table - which just happens to be your entire goal!

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